58 year old man

 This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems.

Chief complaints:

• 58 yr old.male with Weakness of bilateral lower limbs since 5 days

History of present illness :

• Patient was apaprently asymptomatic a week back

• 1 year back, he was diagnosed with HTN and was started on Tab TELMA 40mg + Chlorthalidone 6.25mg

• 2 months back he got diagnosed with Covid and received treatment for 1 week and was in home isolation

• On August 31st 2021 , he had fever for which he visited a local hospital and was diagnosed with dengue fever, he was admitted till September 8th after which he got discharged. 

• After getting discharged, he started to experience lower back ache which would be present throughout the day, not radiating. 

• On September 12th , he paid a visit to a doctor in Khammam and was given pain killers. 

• His LBA increased over the next 3 days. 

• On September 15th , he paid a visit to an orthopaedician in khammam and was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis and was prescribed oral medications of Indomethacin, Ultracet and Bio D3.  

After taking these medications, his pain did not reduce. 

• On September 16th , he took Diclofenac injections from a local RMP after which he could get a good night's sleep

• On September 17th , he started to even complain of bilateral knee joint pains along with left shoulder pain. 

He took his second dose of injection Diclofenac


• He was able to walk with support, with the help of a stick on 17th

• From 18th of September, he even found it difficult to get up from his bed

   He is able to make slight movements of his bilateral lower limbs. 

   He has no complaints of tingling, numbness, pins and needles like sensation. 

• No involvement of bowel and bladder. 

• No history of tingling and numbness

History of past illness:

• k/c/o HTN since 1 year and on tab. CTD-T  6.25/40mg ( telma 40mg + Chlorthalidone 6.25 mg) 

• No history of DM, asthma, Epilepsy, thyroid

Treatment history:

•  Has a treatment history of HTN since 1 yr

• Has no treatment history of DM, asthma, cancer, stroke, hormones, surgery, chemoradiation, Antibiotics, CAD, TB, blood transfusion

Personal history:

• He is a farmer, married and a resident of Nalgonda

• Follows mixed diet

• Has regular bowel habits and normal micturition

• Has no known allergies

• Is alcoholic

Family history:

• Has  no family history of DM, HTN, asthma, CAD, stroke, cancer, TB


• PR - 110bpm

• BP - 120/80mmHg

• RR - 17cpm

• SpO2 - 98% on RA

• Temperature - Afebrile

Systemic examination:

A. Central Nervous system

• HMF intact

• Tenderness of bilateral knee joint +

• Tenderness in sternal region +

• Tone - Normal

• Power - 

                  Right              Left

UL             5/5                   5/5

LL             2/5                   2/5

• Reflexes - 

B                3+                      3+

T                3+                      3+

S                3+                      3+

K                2+                      2+

A                 +                        +

P                  Flexion Bilaterally

• Sensory - 

Fine touch +

Crude touch +

Proprioception +

Vibration +

B. Respiratory system

• Lungs - clear

C. Per Abdomen

• Soft 

• Non tender

• Bowel sounds +

• Has central obesity

D. Cardiovascular system

• S1 and S2 heard


Inj. Piptaz 4.5 gm/IV /QID
• Inj. Gentamycin 80mg/IV/TID
• Inj. Tramadol 1 AMP I'M 100ml NS/IV/SOS
• Inj. Neomol 1g/IV/SOS
• Tab. PCM 650mg /PO/SOS
• Inj. PAN 40mg /IV/OD
• IVF NS and RL @ 100ml/hr
• Tab. Etoz 90mg PO/OD
• Inj. Clindamycin 600mg /IV/TID
• Inj. Optineuron 1 AMP in 100ml/NS/OD
• Tab. Amlong 5mg /PO/OD
• Inj. Linezolid 600mg/BD


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