Internal assessment 1

Long answers

Question 1:

Define bone density, how is it measured? What are the causes, clinical features,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis?

My answer:

Link to this question :

Question 2:
What is myxedema coma? Describe its clinical features , diagnosis and treatment of myxedema coma

My answer :

Link to the question:

Question 3.

What is the diagnostic approach of young onset hypertension and it’s treatment.

My answer:

Young onset hypertension :
1. Hypertension is a disorder which is usually seen in older ages of life. Like after 5th decade or so. 
2. But now, even at the age of 18, people are being diagnosed with hypertension
3. They generally present to the emergency with syncope 
4. On general examination, upon checking the blood pressure sfter stabilising the patient will be higher than the normal value 
5. And upon re checking after 4 hours also, if the blood pressure is still high, they are diagnosed with young onset hypertension. 

Modified life style like inadequate exercise

Link to the question :

Question 4:
How do you clinically localize the anatomical level of lesion in spinal cord diseases

My answer :

Link to the question :

Question 5:
Causes,diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation.

My answer:

Question 6:  Describe about megaloblastic anemia

My answer:

Question 7: What are the causes, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of ascites

My answer :

Link to the question :

Question 8:

Approach to acute pancreatitis

My answer:

Questions 9 to 16:










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