Internship assessment Dec 2022 to Feb 2023

Unit duty:
1.I have drawn venous blood samples
 2. Collected their reports from the labs,
3. Got culture swabs and bottles from the labs,
4. Collected culture reports from the lab, 5.Updated these in our whatsapp groups, investigation charts, fever charts, repeats 
Got ECGs, Xrays, USGs, 2D echos and their viedeos of all our patients
6.Monitored vitals of all our patients
7. Typed and printed discharge summaries of all our patients

In the OP:
1. I have learnt how to take brief histories of patients in a limited time
2. Did systemic examinations of various patients according to their compalints
3. Learnt as to what investigations have to be sent for what complaints.
4. Learnt how to prescribe basic treatment for some patients 

These are some blogs i have made during my unit duty:

This is a case of pyrexia secondary to cystitis, with uncontrolled sugars, type 2 DM, since 5 yrs, with rvd and was managed conservatively with piptaz and iv fluids

This is a case of viral pyrexia with Thrombocytopenia and rvd and was managed conservatively with iv fluids and paracetamol

Ward duty:
1. I have updated and motivated my other co interns to update SOAP notes of all the patients in their respective units
2. I have allotted cases to my juniors for their final exams
3. I have taken brief histories of all the patients in the ward 
4. I have attended rounds around the patients
5. I have inserted iv canulas to a few patients

ICU duty:
1. Monitored vitals of all the patients in ICU and AMC
2. I have learnt how to draw ABG samples on different patients
3. I have inserted Foleys to a few patients
4. I have inserted Ryles to a few patients
5. I have inserted iv canulas to a few patients
5. I have assisted in an ascitic tap
6. I have monitored vitals of patients during blood transfusions.

Nephrology duty:
1. I have collected various venous samples on patients and collected reports.
2. Monitored vitals of all patients in the ckd ward
3. Assisted in 2 central line insertions
4. I have monitored vitals of critical patients who were taken up for emergency dialysis
5.Typed and printed discharge summaries of all our patients


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